Ultimate Game of Deception!

Liar liar is a fun game where it pays to be as deceitful as you can possibly be… or if you pride yourself in being able to sniff out a lie then this is your chance to prove it.

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What you need to play?

3 to 6 players each on their own smart device, you must be in the same room or zoom call.

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Before the game starts, each participating player has to write down an incredible or unbelievable true statement about themselves (but no one can know what is being written down). Once all players have locked in their personal statement the game can start.


  • The game will randomly select a player to be the interrogator; all the other players will be reading out statements about themselves.

  • One player will be telling the truth, the others will be reading out outrageous lies generated by the game, lies they are reading for the first time!

  • The interrogator's task is to correctly identify which player is telling the truth by interrogating them one at a time.

  • Every player must claim to be telling the truth.

  • The player telling the truth must answer all the interrogator's questions truthfully.

  • The liars can fabricate any story they want in order to convince the interrogator that their claim is genuine.

  • Once the interrogator has made a selection, the round is over.

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The Interrogator wins by correctly identifying the “Truth teller”.



Liars win by successfully convincing the Interrogator.


Truth tellers

“Truth tellers” win by not being identified by the Interrogator.


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And challenge your friends.